How the Church has callously abandoned the missionaries who were wounded in Brussels

How the Church has callously abandoned the missionaries who were wounded in Brussels March 31, 2016


Brick and glass in Brussels
A photo in Brussels Melih Rustu Calikogl (Wikimedia CC)


I’ve recently read several indignant comments from bitter critics of Mormonism about how the coldhearted Church has abandoned the missionaries who were injured in those recent terrorist attacks in Brussels.  When missionaries are no longer useful, it seems — as these missionaries, because of their serious wounds, no longer are — the Church simply spits them out.  Good riddance!  We exploit you until you have no further value to us, and then we treat you like trash.


So far as I can tell, there’s no truth in these comments.  They appear to rest on angry prejudice and hostility, not on actual fact.


Here’s an update from the Church’s “LDS Newsroom” site about the current situation with the missionaries:


And here’s an article about the visit to two of the hospitalized missionaries made by Elder Dallin H. Oaks, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and Elder Brent H. Nielson, of the Seventy:


Such information won’t dissipate the venom of perpetually enraged critics, of course.  They may even feel the need, fairly soon, to find other pretexts for their antagonism.  But don’t worry about them:  They will.


Added postscript:  Please note the first reader comment below, from the bishop of a daughter of one of the senior missionaries involved.



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