“Donald Trump Comes Out in Favor of Men in Women’s Restrooms”

“Donald Trump Comes Out in Favor of Men in Women’s Restrooms” April 21, 2016


Mixed gender group of various ages
Is there anybody in this Wikimedia Commons photograph who probably shouldn’t use a women’s restroom? Notice:  If you so much as HESITATED before screaming “NO!” you’re probably a fascist and a bigot — and yet, curiously, you might nonetheless not be a Trumpist.


So the headline, as advertised, reads “Donald Trump Comes Out in Favor of Men in Women’s Restrooms.”


And he really did say something along those lines.


(If you can make much sense of this or most of the Leader’s other policy pronouncements, to the extent that the Leader has actually made any such pronouncements, you should probably be serving our nation as a cryptographer or codebreaker.)


Anyway, whatever the Leader said, whatever the Leader was feeling when he emitted these words, the Leader will make America great again!  Trump in 2016!




Because privacy is so very over-valued.  Safe spaces are needed in university classrooms, not in restrooms.



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