“How to effectively engage in social media during LDS general conference”

“How to effectively engage in social media during LDS general conference” April 1, 2016


Not quite "Visualize Whirled Peas"
(Wikimedia Commons)


For many years, I wondered how I, sitting in the very heart of very Mormon Utah County, which is located in the heart of Mormon Utah, and teaching at the Church’s university, could be seriously involved in missionary service.


I could, of course, hope to send out the occasional missionary.  I could donate to the missionary fund of the Church.  But I felt largely incapacitated by virtue of my location.


Now, though, through social media, I see easy ways in which even a Latter-day Saint firmly ensconced in Provo — or Panguitch, Utah, or Rigby, Idaho — can reach a potential audience in Ghana, the Australian Gold Coast, Scotland, and India.


Here’s an article suggesting a few helpful tips:




Did you know, by the way, that this blog now has its own Facebook page?




It’s a gift to me from the good folks at Patheos.  I’m still figuring out how best to use it.



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