Next-President Hillary Clinton vs. FBI Director James Comey

Next-President Hillary Clinton vs. FBI Director James Comey July 6, 2016


A 13th century image of Hell
Scholars debate whether this thirteenth-century image of Hell was inspired by premonitions of the 2016 Republican Convention or by prophecies of the 2016 Democratic Convention.
(Wikimedia Commons)


Pretty funny, when videos of Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Comey are placed side by side:


These items, alas, aren’t so funny, but they offer insight from an array of lawyers, former federal prosecutors, a former Congressman and Senator, and so forth:


“Hillary Clinton Lied About Her Email — The FBI Proved It”


“Hillary’s Banana Republic”


“If Hillary Had Been a Soldier in the Army, Here’s How She’d Be Treated”


“FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook”


“FBI Director Comey Is Wrong: The Case for Prosecuting Hillary Clinton Is Strong”


“Getting Elected President: The Only Way Hillary Could Now Get a Security Clearance”


“Comey’s Was an Extremely Careless Decision”


I received a mass-email note from Utah Congressman Chris Stewart earlier this afternoon, entitled “America Deserves an Honest Leader.”  Congressman Stewart opens his message by declaring that, “Regardless of the FBI’s announcement on their investigation into Secretary Clinton’s carelessness in the handling of very sensitive and highly classified information, the American people still know she is unfit to be president.”  And he concludes by saying that “The American people know Hillary cannot be trusted and that is why I am confident she will be held accountable in November.”


I’m much less confident.  The Republicans, after all, will soon nominate a man who is himself unfit to be president.  Given that fact, how can we send Hillary a message?


In some ways, they’re so alike that it’s actually a bit uncanny:  Perhaps we’re repulsed by Bill Clinton’s history of womanizing.  Is Donald Trump a more attractive option on that score?  Have Hillary and Bill used government connections to make millions?  So has Donald Trump.  And so on and so forth.



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