“Trump’s ‘Mormon Problem’ is Mitt Romney’s Fault”

“Trump’s ‘Mormon Problem’ is Mitt Romney’s Fault” July 1, 2016


Three Mile Canyon in Dixie National Forest
A Utah landscape (Wikimedia Commons public domain)


“Trump’s ‘Mormon Problem’ is Mitt Romney’s Fault”


So, at any rate, claims a writer for the Trump propaganda organ called “Breitbart”:




It’s nonsense, of course.  Mormons aren’t mind-numbed robots; they can think for themselves, without guidance from Mitt Romney.  And there are plenty of reasons for declining to support Mr. Donald Trump’s bid to gain control of our nation’s nuclear codes.


See, for example, this piece by Kevin Williamson.


And this piece in the Economist.


I would have to work to find the piece and its precise date, but — on this very blog — I myself publicly announced quite a while before Governor Romney’s speech that I would not and could not support Mr. Trump.


It would have been quite surprising had Latter-day Saints, who value premarital chastity and marital fidelity, modesty, charity, the avoidance of vulgarity, religious liberty and the rights of religious minorities, and many other such things, hadn’t proved exceptionally resistant to Trumpism.  We didn’t require instructions from Mitt Romney to recognize that Donald Trump represents the antithesis of many of the attributes and virtues that we most esteem.


Breitbart simply wants to find a personal scapegoat.  It would be too painful to have to admit that Breitbart’s preferred candidate is fatally flawed and isn’t a conservative.



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