It came from beyond the Planet Neptune

It came from beyond the Planet Neptune August 15, 2016


Kuiper Belt object
A NASA artist’s conception of an object in the Kuiper Belt, with the Sun visible in the distance beyond (Wikimedia Commons public domain)


Well, maybe it did:


Back in June, I wrote here about another object that, it’s been suggested, came from beyond the ordinary asteroid belt of our Solar System.  A few days later, driving from Stockholm westward across Sweden to Göteborg, my wife and I took a little detour to go visit the rural stone quarry where that apparent meteorite was found.  There was nothing there — no crowd, not even a sign — to indicate the significance of the place, but it was rather fun to be out in the Swedish countryside, surrounded by trees, grass, and cows, thinking about the cosmic visitor that landed there roughly 470 million years before.


We walk daily in, among, and around remarkable things from the deep past.  Even the dirt on which we step represents a remarkable geological history.


Posted from Oslo, Norway



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