“Just a Nice Old Man Who Tells Stories?”

“Just a Nice Old Man Who Tells Stories?” September 5, 2016


Sea of Galilee, by Polenov
Galilee, land of hicks and hayseeds!
Vassily Polenov, “On the Tiberiad Lake” (1888)  “Lake of Tiberius” is one of the names for the Sea of Galilee.


My friend and longtime FARMS/Maxwell Institute colleague John Gee takes well-deserved aim at a remark that he recently heard from a “Mormon studies scholar”:




I might also suggest a glance at this very brief item, also from Dr. Gee, which seems to me clearly relevant:




May I submit, too, that an arrogant and spiritually undiscerning contemporary might have dismissed Jesus himself as little more than a Galilean peasant yokel who told stories?



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