“Philly to Mormons: Come, come, ye saints — with new LDS temple and apartment tower, all is well”

“Philly to Mormons: Come, come, ye saints — with new LDS temple and apartment tower, all is well” September 18, 2016


The new temple in Philadelphia
The Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple is being dedicated today, by President Henry B. Eyring. On the right edge of the photograph, the new LDS chapel is partially visible, and the new apartment high-rise is under construction out of the picture, still further to the right.  (LDS.org)




It’s actually rather ingenious, to construct a temple in a densely-occupied urban area and to control the quality of its immediate surroundings by erecting other nice buildings near it, including one that will generate revenues to offset the cost and operating expenses of a building that, by its nature, will consume revenues rather than creating them.


I like it.



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