Peter Drucker’s “Mirror Test”

Peter Drucker’s “Mirror Test” October 28, 2016


Peter F. Drucker in his study
The legendary Austrian-born American thinker, teacher, and consultant Peter Drucker (1909-2005), often called “the father of modern management”  (Wikimedia Commons public domain)


“In the early years of this [the twentieth] century, the most highly respected diplomat of all the great powers was the German ambassador in London.  He was clearly destined for great things — to become his country’s foreign minister, at least, if not its federal chancellor.  Yet in 1906 he abruptly resigned rather than preside over a dinner given by the diplomatic corps for Edward VII.  The king was a notorious womanizer and made it clear what kind of a dinner he wanted.  The ambassador is reported to have said, ‘I refuse to see a pimp in the mirror in the morning when I shave.’

“This is the mirror test.  Ethics requires that you ask yourself, What kind of person do I want to see in the mirror in the morning?”

Peter F. Drucker, Harvard Business Review (January 1999)


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