“Mormons and Science”

“Mormons and Science” November 28, 2016


NASA Chicxulub painting
This painting, by Donald E. Davis, depicts the Chicxulub asteroid slamming into tropical, shallow seas of the sulfur-rich Yucatan Peninsula in what is today southeast Mexico. The aftermath of this immense asteroid collision, which occurred approximately 65 million years ago, is believed by some (though, I’m told, not by me) to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs and many other species on Earth. The impact spewed hundreds of billions of tons of sulfur into the atmosphere, producing a worldwide blackout as well as freezing temperatures that persisted for at least a decade. Shown in this painting are (doomed) pterodactyls, flying reptiles with wingspans of up to 50 feet, gliding above low tropical clouds.  (A public domain image from NASA)


I’ve just stumbled across what looks to be a very interesting blog devoted to the subject of “Mormons and Science”:




This is a topic that has always interested me.  For some reason, it’s been especially on my mind over the past week and a half.    (Such phases recur with me.)


Personally, I’m a young-earth creationist who hates and fears science and who regards scientists as wicked.  That’s what I’ve been told, anyway, by several anonymous internet experts on my life and thought.  (I’ve never, myself, considered a 4.5 billion-year-old Earth to be particularly young.  But that just shows how much I know.)



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