A note from the chairman of the Interpreter Foundation

A note from the chairman of the Interpreter Foundation November 4, 2016


Provo's first temple, at nightfall
The Provo Utah Temple at sunset (LDS.org)




Today, for the 224th consecutive week of its 225.5 weeks of existence, the Interpreter Foundation published a new article in its flagship online publication, Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture:


“‘Arise from the Dust’: Insights from Dust-Related Themes in the Book of Mormon (Part 1: Tracks from the Book of Moses)”


Tomorrow, Saturday, the Interpreter Foundation will sponsor the 2016 Temple on Mount Zion Conference.  It will be recorded and will eventually be made accessible online.


On Wednesday, the Interpreter Foundation will co-sponsor a lecture on “Theosis/Divinization” by the British Old Testament scholar Margaret Barker.  Her remarks will also be recorded and made available online, along with the panel discussion that is scheduled to follow them.


All of these things are entirely free to the public.


But they don’t come about without cost.


We’re almost entirely a volunteer organization.  The leaders of Interpreter, for example, receive nothing at all for their time and efforts.  Still, there are unavoidable copyediting and page-layout and printing expenses, costs for technical and computer support, and similar such things.  Conferences and journals and books and so forth cost money.


So, if you’ve enjoyed or profited from the articles, books, scripture roundtables, conferences, lectures, and other products of Interpreter, I hope you’ll consider making a donation to support its work.


Even small contributions are very warmly welcomed.  We’re not so big or so well-funded that we take them for granted.


As we approach the end of 2016, many people will begin to think about making charitable contributions.  As you consider what you might do, please don’t forget the Interpreter Foundation.


For directions on how to make donations, see here.  (Please be aware that PayPal, one of the options, takes at least a 2.2% cut out of every donation made.  But it’s very convenient, and we welcome contributions through PayPal.)


We’re deeply grateful to those whose donations have made our work possible to this point.



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