Dare to Dissent!

Dare to Dissent! November 23, 2016


Dora's Virgil and Dante
Dante and Virgil in Hell (the Inferno), by Gustave Doré
(Wikimedia Commons public domain)


I first became acquainted with Professor Anthony Esolen as a superb translator of Dante’s Divine Comedy into English:








I thought so highly of him that, one Christmas, I gave a set of his translations to one of my sons, who is particularly interested in poetry.


Then I discovered that he is an outspoken and courageous defender of orthodox Christian thinking on gender and the family, and my admiration for him grew even more:




Now I learn that he’s under fire at his home college for daring to dissent from dominant academic liberal ideology:


“Anthony Esolen Faces the PC Onslaught


And that makes me want to read his other work, as well:




Blessings on him.


Posted from Richmond, Virginia



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