Was Joseph Smith a criminal counterfeiter?

Was Joseph Smith a criminal counterfeiter? November 14, 2016


Rorschach Test #1
The first of the ten cards in the famous Rorschach Test  (Wikimedia Commons)


A newly published book by a former member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints claims that he was.


I haven’t seen the book yet, but my impression is that it’s not the kind of work that’s likely to draw much attention from serious scholars of Mormon history, whether believers or not.  For what it’s worth, the book was issued by something called “Lyrical Productions,” on which I’ve found no further information thus far.  I’m guessing that the book was self-published.


Anyway, it likely won’t get many reviews.  But, in case you’re interested, here’s one:


Melonakos, “Secret Combinations: Evidence of Early Mormon Counterfeiting 1800-1847” (reviewed by Cheryl L. Bruno)


Anyway — to paraphrase and repurpose Gertrude Stein’s famous comment about the city of Oakland, California — if Ms. Bruno’s review is any indication, there doesn’t seem any there there.



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