“Christians say Hollywood ignores them. But they ignore great films about faith.”

“Christians say Hollywood ignores them. But they ignore great films about faith.” January 27, 2017


"Silence" promo poster
Promotional poster for “Silence” (Fair Use)




My wife and I and some others from my BYU department went to see Martin Scorsese’s film of Shusaku Endo’s Silence a couple of weeks ago in company with Van Gessel, who was, for many years until Endo’s death, that great Japanese Catholic novelist’s official English translator and who served for three years as a consultant for the film.


I’m disappointed that Silence doesn’t seem to be doing well at the box office.  It’s a challenging film, but a powerful and thought-provoking one.  I wish that more people would see it, and especially that more Christian believers would see it.


“Scorsese’s Silence is admirably faithful to the original Japanese novel”



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