Helping Texas

Helping Texas August 30, 2017


The temple in Houston in better days.
The Houston Texas Temple is sacred, yes. But even more sacred are the great truths and realities and covenants that it represents.  (Wikimedia Commons public domain)


The stories and pictures coming out of Texas are horrific.  Appalling.


But we can help.


I’ve seen claims, from a few implacable critics of the Church, that, as usual, the “Mor(m)ons” are concerned about their silly temple but, otherwise, are leaving the work of helping the victims of Hurricane Harvey to other churches and organizations, and even to mosques.


We do nothing.


Some critics are absolutely rejoicing in the damage to the temple.


But it seems that, as is typical for such malignant folks — don’t they ever become tired of it? — they’re both pointlessly insulting and completely wrong.


“UPDATE: Floodwater Breaches Houston Temple”


“UPDATE: Latter-day Saints Send Flood Relief to Texas”


“Texas LDS meetinghouse becomes shelter, boat command center”


Here’s how you can donate:


If you can, please give something.  Even if it’s just a tiny bit.  I can promise you that contributing something, even if it’s only a small amount, will give you a good feeling, a happy feeling.  You can even set things up so that you make a regular monthly donation.


It’s important to know that 100% of all donations to LDS Humanitarian Services are used to help people in need, and that donated funds are used wherever the need is greatest.  They don’t go to overhead.  They don’t go to $500,000-per-year executives.


And here’s an item connected with Utah but not directly tied to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:


“‘Great amount of responsibility’: Utah medical disaster response team mobilizes to Texas”


And a related story:


“Texas devastation brings together hearts and helping hands”


And, finally, just a good, human story from the disaster:


“A young Mormon mom’s Harvey evacuation story of fear, sadness and neighborly love”


“It felt like a holy day.”


I love that comment from her.


I’ve cited these quotations before, but I’ll do it again:


“If you can’t feed a hundred people, feed just one.”  (St. Teresa of Calcutta, or “Mother Teresa”)


“Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.”  (Mahatma Gandhi)



Yes, we Latter-day Saints are distressed by the damage done to the Houston Texas Temple, and we’re saddened by it.  But we know that temples constructed in a fallen world aren’t immune to damage:  The temple in Samoa was destroyed by fire while it was being repaired; the original Nauvoo Temple was destroyed by an anti-Mormon arsonist and then finished off by a tornado.  The original spire of the St. George Utah Temple was destroyed by lightning shortly after the death of Brigham Young, who had never liked its short, stubby appearance.  (It was rebuilt.  Taller this time.)


And, by the way, the catastrophe in and around Houston isn’t the only one in the world.  But, not surprisingly, the Church is helping elsewhere, too:


“Latter-day Saint Congregations in Freetown Clean Connaught Hospital”


“Mormons Minister to Mudslide Victims in Sierra Leone”


Here’s some worthwhile background information:


“How LDS Charities responds to an emergency”


Again, I encourage you to give something.  Even if it’s only five dollars.



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