The Evils of Mormonism (Installment 18,796) and Other Matters

The Evils of Mormonism (Installment 18,796) and Other Matters November 18, 2017


The first (modern) temple in Illinois
The Chicago Illinois Temple (


As more than a few of its critics will assure you, my adopted state of Utah — or, as some of them know it, Mor(m)onistan or Utard — is the armpit of the United States of America, unconstitutionally dominated and oppressed by the “Utaliban.”  Here’s yet another example of the horrors of this repressive American theocracy:


“Utah is poised to be a shining example of lifting children out of poverty”




The Interpreter Foundation very much needs your support if it is to continue its work — let alone, as we hope, to expand that work.  But I freely confess that things like this touching five-minute video sometimes make me wonder how I can justify asking for donations to Interpreter, to say nothing of justifying money spent on movies, restaurants, concerts, plays, skiing, speedboats, or a thousand other pleasant aspects of life:


“First Presidency Expresses Gratitude for Humanitarian Outreach”


Please, at this holiday season (the end of the American tax year), give to worthy causes.  (The Church and its humanitarian work is obviously at the top of my list, and you may know two of my other favorites: The Liahona Children’s Foundation and Operation Underground Railroad.  But, if you can, spare a bit too for Interpreter.)




A nice piece in LDS Living by Taylor Halverson:


“How One of the Most Common Phrases in the Book of Mormon Is Also the Most Meaningful”




Some may want to read this brief article about a recent book:


“Review of Perspectives on Mormon Theology: Apologetics”




Here’s an article by a British philosopher that was published way back in September 2012, when the country still had a chance of electing Mitt Romney president.  Needless to say, I don’t agree with everything in it, but some out there may not have seen it before and may find it interesting:


“Why I Love Mormonism”




Owing to an as yet puzzling technological glitch, the weekly article in Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture almost didn’t go up yesterday.  When the problem was noticed, though, the article was published manually — and just in time (with 23 minutes to spare!) to maintain our record of regular Friday publications.  (We realize that it’s virtually inevitable that, someday, we’ll miss a Friday.  And that, when that happens, our critics will crow triumphantly about the impending death of the Interpreter Foundation.  In the meantime, though, it’s fun to keep the unbroken string going:  The Foundation was established slightly more than 279 weeks ago.  Since then, it has published at least one article — and sometimes two or even three articles — every Friday for 278 consecutive weeks.  You can help to support our work.)


Anyhow, here’s the link to yesterday’s article:


“Barlow on Book of Mormon Language: An Examination of Some Strained Grammar”


Posted from Chicago, Illinois



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