“Sweet is the Work”

“Sweet is the Work” March 4, 2018


The temple in Lima Peru
The Lima Peru Temple, the first temple built in that nation. Now, there’s even a second temple planned for the Lima area, itself.   (Wikimedia Commons public domain image.)


A wonderful story from Fiona Givens and Terryl Givens, The Christ Who Heals: How God Restored the Truth that Saves Us:


Our niece was recently serving an LDS mission in a rural area of Peru.  With her companion, she visited a member and upon departing asked if she knew of anyone who might benefit from a message about the Savior.  “Yes,” the member replied.  “I have a dear friend who has suffered a terrible tragedy.  Her young daughter was struck by a motorized cart a few weeks ago.  Yesterday the girl passed away.  I think the grieving mother needs your message.”

The two sister missionaries left with the member’s sketch for finding the house, some distance away.  As they made their way up the road, they came to a path that was not indicated on their map, yet both felt the prompting to take it.  They walked further.  The path led to a group of scattered dwellings on the hillside.  They were strongly impressed to approach one door in particular, even though it was not the one indicated in their directions.  A woman came to the door in response to their insistent knocking.  “We come to you with a message about the Savior,” they said.  “Would you like to hear it?”  The woman immediately burst into tears, said she would, and brought three chairs outside.  Before they could continue she explained, weeping, “A short time ago, my husband left me.  I am alone with three children and an infant, struggling to provide for the five of us.  A few weeks ago, I had a terrible accident.  Driving my motor cart, I hit a young girl.  I have just learned that she has died.”  The Great Physician knows where his healing is most needed.  (85)




I love this description by Parley Pratt of the plan of salvation, cited by the Givenses on page 80 of their book:


[M]en are . . . children of the Gods, and destined to advance by degrees, and to make their way by a progressive series of changes, till they become like their father [and mother] in heaven, and like Jesus Christ their elder brother.  Thus perfected, the whole family will . . . continue to organize, . . . redeem, and perfect other systems which are now in the womb of Chaos.




Don’t forget that the Interpreter Radio Show will be on this evening, at 7 PM, Utah time.  You can listen to it on the radio if you’re in the Greater Salt Lake City area or, if you’re not, you can listen in on your computer via the K-Talk website.  (I caught part of last week’s program while sitting in Laie, Oahu, Hawaii.)


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