Of matters financial and non-financial

Of matters financial and non-financial November 28, 2018


The temple in Melbourne, Australia
The Melbourne Australia Temple (LDS Media Library)


I have posted a little fundraiser for the Interpreter Foundation on my Facebook page:


Daniel’s fundraiser for the Interpreter Foundation




A few of my especially bizarre anonymous online critics continue to obsess about my personal finances.  I posted a bit on this earlier, but I evidently wasn’t clear enough for them.  Of course, I can probably never be clear enough for them, and, anyway, they’re convinced, or pretend to be convinced, that I’m invariably lying (except when I’m inadvertently revealing my sordid reality).  For the normal people out there, though, let me say, once again, as clearly as I know how to say it, that


  1. The Interpreter Foundation has not paid a single penny of my expenses on this trip to Australia.
  2. So far as I’m aware, BYU’s Maxwell Institute contributes not a single cent toward my salary, and never has.


Now, I’ll admit (a) that I’m not an accountant and (b) that the finances behind my BYU salary are somewhat convoluted and arcane.  They are convoluted and arcane because my professorial faculty “slot” belongs, strictly speaking, to BYU’s Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies, but my appointment is in, and my salary is set and comes through, BYU’s Department of Asian and Near Eastern Languages (and always has).  That was true even when I was serving in the Maxwell Institute.  As I understand it, the Maxwell Institute has never paid any part of my salary — and it certainly does not pay any part of my salary now.  I have no connection to the Maxwell Institute, and the Maxwell Institute has no connection with me.




You might find this article of interest:


“The Simple Miracle That Helped the Whitmers Further the Book of Mormon”




It’s even slightly possible — though not very likely — that you might find this of interest:


“Sydney Congregation Learns about Evidence and Witnesses of the Book of Mormon”




The new “Light the World” Initiative is about to start, focused on the theme “Give as He Gave”:


“Service Emphasized in 2018 ‘Light the World’ Initiative: Global effort offers opportunities to follow the Savior”


I hope to contribute to it, and I hope that you will, too.




I’m really pleased to read about Elder Holland’s activities in Oxford:


“Elder Jeffrey R. Holland meets with Theologians and Religious Leaders at the University of Oxford”




We flew this morning, along with Elder Robert Dudfield of the Seventy, from what had suddenly become an exceedingly rainy Sydney down to the much better weather at his base of operations in Melbourne.  Here, he kindly gave us a brief driving tour of the city (including a fish and chips lunch).  In the evening, he and his wife had us over for dinner at their home, along with Elder and Sister Lloyd, who are serving as public affairs missionaries for Australia and environs, and Brother Chris Stuart, the public affairs director for Victoria, and his wife.  It was a fun evening.


Posted from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia



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