Fifty Shades of Gravy

Fifty Shades of Gravy February 4, 2019


Korea's temple
The Seoul Korea Temple (
Life is better in Seoul than in Pyongyang. Heck, DEATH is better than life in Pyongyang.


A Video Supplement for Come, Follow Me Lesson 6: “The Spirit of the Lord Is upon Me”




Onwards and upwards!  Into the glorious world of ex-Mormon atheism!


“Fifty MORE Positives to Leaving the LDS Church”




You thought that the Emperor Nero was dead?  Think again.


However, I’m aware of some folks who, I can absolutely guarantee you, will regard this as merely yet another illustration of how, in the immortal words of the no longer mortal Christopher Hitchens, “religion poisons everything”:


“Associated Press story is only the latest chronicle of North Korea’s persecution of Christians”




In case you missed it:


“Wordplays on the Name Malachi in the Book of Mormon”




Not a specifically Latter-day Saint story, but it comes out of Utah and, I’m happy to say, the Church plays a small but important role in it:


“Students at Sundance explore film through the eyes of faith”




Another Utah-related story:


“Watch: Utah’s Samantha Gordon appeared in a Super Bowl commercial last night with NFL legends”


And, more or less, another one, involving the Latter-day Saint “Empress of Soul,” Gladys Knight:





And what the heck, while we’re at it, here’s another story related to the Super Bowl:


“Some Super Bowl ads seem to suggest that some kinds of alcohol are better for you. Health officials say it’s better to punt on the drinking altogether”


Incidentally, did the New Orleans Saints win?




“Why do schools like BYU matter? Interfaith panel reflects on the state of faith-based higher education”




I’ve long liked this brief video explaining “Why Mormons Build Temples.”


At about the 1:16 mark, the late Krister Stendahl — an eminent New Testament scholar, as well as a former bishop of Stockholm in the (Lutheran) Church of Sweden and a former dean of Harvard Divinity School — has some extraordinarily positive and appreciative things to say about the Latter-day Saint practice of baptism for the dead.


In recent years, such vicarious baptisms have been widely portrayed in the news media and on the web as unbiblical, occultic, ghoulish, bizarre, shameful, vicious, anti-Semitic, immoral, hateful, and possibly illegal — to choose just a single specific example, during his mercifully finished career on MSNBC the odious political commentator Keith Olbermann once named President Thomas S. Monson “one of the worst people in the world” for presiding over the practice — it wouldn’t be a bad thing if believing members of the Church and their friends gave this little video, and Professor Stendahl’s wonderfully affirmative remarks, even wider circulation on the Web and via e-mail than they have already had.



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