Okay. I’m about to post some political thoughts and links. These political thoughts and links have absolutely no connection with the Interpreter Foundation, which is totally and completely apolitical and should not be blamed for them. I don’t know how the other leaders of Interpreter voted. I’ve never asked. It has never come up.
If you think it likely that you’ll be deeply offended and that you’ll want to sever all ties with me (and perhaps with Interpreter) because of what follows, I encourage you to read no further. And definitely don’t click on the links that I’m providing.
Just, please, don’t denounce me as a “libtard” Marxist who hates America and holds the Constitution in contempt until you’ve at least read through the articles to which I link below:
First of all, though, I’m saddened at the passing of two remarkable though quite different thinkers, of roughly the same age, one of them a Latter-day Saint and the other not, both of whom I admire and respect:
David Lamont Paulsen (November 13, 1936 ~ November 30, 2020 [age 84])
However, I’m grateful for the recent Supreme Court ruling on pandemic regulations and religious liberty:
The Federalist: “SCOTUS Blocks Cuomo’s COVID Restrictions On Church Attendance In New York”
National Review: “The Supreme Court Got Church Restrictions Right”
New York Times: “Thank You, Justice Gorsuch: Liberals will one day cite and celebrate this defense of religious liberty.”
But I’m not at all pleased at certain other developments:
“Dr. Joseph Varon, who takes care of COVID-19 patients at United Memorial Medical Center in Texas [was working his 256th consecutive day of the pandemic. Yes..you read that right..256]. . . . “I do this day in and day out, and people are out there doing the wrong thing. . . . in bars, restaurants, malls — it is crazy — it’s like we work, work, work, work, work and people don’t listen and then they end up in my ICU,’ Dr. Joseph Varon says.”
“The Rotting of the Republican Mind: When one party becomes detached from reality”
“Trump to Georgia’s Governor: ‘Call Off Election. It Won’t Be Needed’”
“Roger Stone Accuses Bill Barr of ‘Deep State’ Connection Following Voter Fraud Dismissal”
Roger Stone, by the way, appears to be a truly loathsome human being.
And I’m really concerned about such things as this:
“Roger Stone Calls For Trump To ‘Declare Martial Law’ To Seize Power If He Loses”
That was back in September. And now we’re hearing such calls yet again:
“Steve Bannon Suggests Beheading Fauci, What To Do About Threats To Health Experts”
“Trump Lawyer Says Krebs Should Be ‘Taken Out at Dawn and Shot’ for Defending Election”
“Michael Flynn’s Call for ‘Martial Law’ Comes Amid Violent Threats Over Trump Election Defeat”
“Calls for martial law and US military oversight of new presidential election draws criticism”
“Roger Stone says Trump should consider declaring martial law over loss: ‘All options on the table'”
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. (Constitution of the United States, Article III, Section 3)