“46 Examples of Muslim Outrage about Paris Shooting that Fox News Can’t Seem to Find”

“46 Examples of Muslim Outrage about Paris Shooting that Fox News Can’t Seem to Find” January 9, 2015


Arc de Triomphe, from Wikimedia Commons
The Arc de Triomphe, in Paris
(Click to enlarge.)


I fall — as I like to fall — in the middle on this particular issue.  I’m an unembarrassed watcher of Fox News, which I support and enjoy.


And I think that Muslims need to speak up more loudly than they are — the condemnation won’t be loud enough until it’s deafening and impossible not to hear — against Islamist violence and extremist/jihadist political Islam.  And I’m concerned at the consistent data from polling showing far too much support, in the Muslim community worldwide and among young Muslims in the West, for the “Islamic State,” al-Qa‘ida, the Taliban, and other such groups.


On the other hand . . .  It simply isn’t true that no Muslims are denouncing such outrages as the Paris massacres.  And these Muslims need to have their voices amplified by the media.  They need to be heard.


The contemporary Islamic world shouldn’t be viewed through rose colored glasses, but neither should it be treated as some sort of vast criminal terrorist enterprise, or as some kind of disease.  It’s a vast and noble civilization, with enormous cultural richness and many millions of wonderful people, that is going through an extremely difficult time.


I wish it, and them, well.


This item, brought to my attention by Jabra Ghneim, is worthy of attention:




I’m glad, by the way, that the three terrorist murderers and hostage-takers have been killed.  But I’m quite certain that they won’t be the last.  Not in France.  Not in Europe.  Not in the Western world as a whole.



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