“Jews, Muslims, and UCLA”

“Jews, Muslims, and UCLA” March 15, 2015


Westwood and my alma mater
Looking from the south across a bit of Westwood toward the campus of the University of California at Los Angeles
(Click to enlarge.)


Though all isn’t bleak by any means, this is a disturbing story from one of my alma maters, and I hope that it isn’t a harbinger of things to come:




I fear, however, that it’s precisely that.


And, as tolerance for religious dissent from today’s prevailing orthodoxy on redefining marriage and related issues continues to decline (if not altogether to plummet), I expect to see many more such cases.


To bring it perhaps a bit closer to home:  You can’t seriously imagine that a faithful Latter-day Saint student, in an analogous situation, wouldn’t face similar skepticism and similar opposition.


In fact, I saw precisely that already back in the early 1980s, when Dr. David Gardner was selected as the overall head of the University of California system.  Opposition voices arose immediately, precisely and solely because he was an active Mormon.  “We all know what THAT means,” read one letter to the principal student newspaper at UCLA.


The situation certainly hasn’t grown better, in that regard, over the past three decades.  Secular progressives haven’t grown more tolerant.



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