“Israeli researchers: Group of Colorado Indians have genetic Jewish roots”

“Israeli researchers: Group of Colorado Indians have genetic Jewish roots” July 24, 2015


Early American boatbuilding
Amerindians making a dugout canoe
(Click to enlarge.)


As currently understood and reported, this discovery doesn’t appear directly relevant to the Book of Mormon and it certainly doesn’t count as evidence for its claims:




But it’s intriguing.


And it does plainly suggest that there’s still a lot to be done and a lot to be discovered, and many surprises to be had, with respect to Amerindian genetics.  Moreover, as various authorities have pointed out, not identifyng Sariah’s unknown genetic signature among today’s Native Americans after 2600 years doesn’t prove that she was never in the New World, in any case.


Thanks to Sandra Hartshorn Walters for bringing this item to my notice.


Meanwhile, here’s another very interesting item.  Once more, it’s not “proof” of the Book of Mormon.  But it certainly suggests a considerably more complex genetic history for the Americas than some have been willing to imagine:


DNA uncovers mystery migration to the Americas


Surprise after surprise!



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