Mr. Donald Trump on women

Mr. Donald Trump on women March 3, 2016


The Demagogue
(Wikimedia Commons)
Incidentally, has anybody noticed that, if he’s elected president, Donald Trump would be our oldest chief executive on the day of his inauguration? Yippee!  Yet ANOTHER reason to support him!


The other day, a Caesarotrumpist writing on my Facebook page said that he wanted to see actual primary-source evidence that The Donald is a bad man.


Well, here’s some:


Now, maybe you think that such remarks about women, and such behavior toward women, are perfectly okay.


Or, more likely, perhaps you think that Mr. Trump can be forgiven such lapses from ideal virtue because of his strong commitment to sound, conservative principles, constitutional government, and thoughtful, effective policy positions — though where you might somehow have managed to locate any such commitment in Donald Trump, or any such principles, or any such positions entirely eludes me.


But you must surely understand that the Democratic Party is positively salivating to deploy such evidence of Mr. Trump’s sexism and misogyny against him.  He will be destroyed in the general election, and the Republican Party will likely go down with him.  Hillary will have free rein, the Supreme Court will turn hard left for at least a generation, and the cause of limited, constitutional government and free markets will have been dealt a blow from which it may not recover for decades, if indeed it ever really does.


Trump in 2016!




(And, oh yes:  If you want to read a bit about Mr. Trump’s relations with Playboy — he’ll be our first president to have appeared on its cover! — see here.  There’s also a photo online of The Donald and current wife Melania, herself a former nude magazine model, at Playboy’s fiftieth anniversary gala bash.  We’ll certainly be breaking new ground with Mr. and Mrs. Trump as the leaders of the Republican Party and, if the stars align just so, the representatives of our nation to the world.)


Many Evangelicals couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Mitt Romney, of course, but they’re giving Donald Trump considerable support.



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