“Congresswoman reveals what she believes people get wrong about faith and American politicians”

“Congresswoman reveals what she believes people get wrong about faith and American politicians” August 11, 2016


U.S. Capitol Building
The United States Capitol (Wikimedia Commons public domain)


I like this article:




Perhaps because I tend to like most people.


I very much regret the rancor and disdain and refusal to compromise that poison American politics today.


That’s one of the reasons that I find Trumpism so off-putting.  As I’ve explained many times, I have very strong conservative beliefs, shading into libertarianism (especially on economic policy), but I don’t hate those who disagree with me.


(Nor, for the record, do I hate non-Mormons, ex-Mormons, Heartlanders, anti-Mormons, or fans of reality television.)


I wish that more Americans shared the spirit that seems to characterize this Congresswoman.



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