“Anti-Gay, Anti-Catholic, Anti-Mormon Pastor Accuses Hillary Clinton Of ‘Hate Speech'”

“Anti-Gay, Anti-Catholic, Anti-Mormon Pastor Accuses Hillary Clinton Of ‘Hate Speech'” September 13, 2016


Robert Jeffress, deep Christian thinker
A Wikimedia Commons photo, by Gage Skidmore, of Pastor Robert Jeffress addressing the 2011 Values Voters summit. During his remarks, Pastor Jeffress described Mormonism as a “cult” and declared that voting for former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney would “give credibility to a cult” — a position that he had first taken in the 2008 election.  Jeffress introduced then Texas Governor Rick Perry, calling him a “a committed follower of Christ.” Afterwards, he told reporters that he was planning to give a sermon the following Sunday in which he would talk about “how a Christian should vote.” One of the criteria for candidates would be “Is he a Christian?”


I first noticed the prominent Southern Baptist leader Robert Jeffress back in 2007, I think, when he was an outspoken critic of Mitt Romney’s Mormonism.  Now, of course, he’s an ardent backer of the great Christian thinker and statesman Rev. Donald J. Trump.


Now, obviously, Miranda Blue is a leftist who wouldn’t approve of my failure to endorse homosexual acts, either.  But the fact remains that Pastor Robert Jeffress is a real piece of work:




In the meantime, here’s an image that you might enjoy:


Thank you Lord, for Jesus president, Donald Trump



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