Where can Mormons turn who can’t vote for Mr. Trump?

Where can Mormons turn who can’t vote for Mr. Trump? September 14, 2016


Sinking Pendleton
Some of us are rather unenthused about this year’s Republican presidential nominee.
(Wikimedia Commons public domain)


“Trump effect? Fewer U.S. Mormons say they’re Republicans, study shows”


“Donald Trump might be loosening the Republican Party’s hold on Mormon voters”


I have certain reservations about voting for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party’s nominee for the White House, and I haven’t endorsed him yet.  (And may not.)  But then, as I hope I’ve made clear, I have enormous reservations about both Mr. Donald J. Trump and Clinton Inc. that make it impossible for me to vote for either of them.


So it’s of interest to me that the Johnson/Weld ticket seems to have topped one recent niche poll and that it has picked up surprising and unprecedented endorsements from both Winston-Salem Journal in North Carolina and the Richmond Times-Dispatch in Virginia:








And this is significant:


“Worried About Trump, GOP Donors Back Paul Ryan and His Congressional ‘Firewall’”



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