“In Twin Falls, Idaho, co-dependency of whites and immigrants faces a test”

“In Twin Falls, Idaho, co-dependency of whites and immigrants faces a test” November 18, 2016


Another temple for Idaho
The Twin Falls Idaho Temple (LDS.org)


This is a rather discouraging article from the Washington Post:




I don’t know what the percentages are, but I know that there is a substantial Mormon population in Twin Falls.  I wonder whether any of them might have anything to report here.


There is also a large facility in Twin Falls, employing many people, for the production of Chobani yogurt.  Although the company is based in New York, the Twin Falls facility (which opened in 2012) is the world’s largest yogurt manufacturing plant.


But — cue sinister music here! — the founder, president, and chief executive officer of Chobani is a Turkish Muslim immigrant by the name of Hamdi Ulukaya.  Unsurprisingly, anti-Muslim zealots have targeted him for slander, calling for a boycott of his company.


I have a lot of Chobani yogurt in my fridge.  I think I’ll eat one right now.  And I hereby vow to buy still more.



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