“Muslim ban is a failure that Mormons should recognize”

“Muslim ban is a failure that Mormons should recognize” March 13, 2017


Nice striped uniforms.
Mormon polygamists in prison, in 1889. Seated in the middle, with a short white beard and holding flowers, is George Q. Cannon, first counselor in the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was his birthday.  (Wikimedia Commons public domain)


An essay from a professor of law at Brigham Young University:




And yes, I recognize that Mr. Trump’s executive order — especially in its second iteration — isn’t strictly a “Muslim ban.”  But Mr. Trump aspired to the imposition of such a ban, and Rudy Giuliani freely admits that the first version of the executive order was an attempt to move as far in that direction as they thought the Constitution would allow them to get away with.  And this second version is an attempt to get as much of the first version past the courts as possible.


(Thanks to Stephen Smoot for bringing this article to my attention.)



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