Ancient Egypt in its splendor

Ancient Egypt in its splendor May 13, 2017


Tut's golden mask
The funerary mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamen (ca. 1323 BC)
Wikimedia Commons public domain


We spent much of the morning in the vicinity of the pyramids of Giza.  Some went into the Great Pyramid.  All of us rode on camels or in horse carts around the pyramids for about an hour.  We also walked through the valley temple next to the Sphinx and then devoted some time to looking at (and, in some cases, buying) papyri at the Merit Papyrus Institute.


Following an excellent Egyptian grilled lunch, we spent a couple of hours in the Egyptian Museum, focusing on such items as the Narmer Palette, the treasures from King Tutankhamen’s tomb, the giant statue of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye, and the Merneptah Stela.


Narmer Palette
The Palette of King Narmer was created around roughly 3000 BC.

(Wikimedia Commons public domain)


We ended our travels with a relaxing felucca ride on the Nile in downtown Cairo.


The day wasn't quite so nice.
This is the exact portion of the Nile on which we sailed this evening.
(Wikimedia Commons public domain)


This is all happening via Cruise Lady.


Incidentally, we’re planning a tour — itinerary details and specific dates yet to be determined — in connection with the famous Oberammergau Passion Play, which will run from May into October of 2020 in the southern German state of Bavaria.  (The play is only performed every tenth year.)  If this interests you at all, watch the Cruise Lady site for announcements.  I’m already looking forward to it, and I suspect that demand will be high.


Oberammergau scenery
Oberammergau is pretty, as well as a place where a very famous play is performed only every tenth year.
(Wikimedia Commons)


Posted from Cairo, Egypt



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