Elvis, as well as President Nelson

Elvis, as well as President Nelson November 17, 2018


Tonga's temple
The Nuku’alofa Tonga Temple    (LDS.org)


“Apostles of Jesus Christ Use Instagram to Share Savior’s Message”


By the way, I really like President Nelson’s forthrightness:


“This is a global ministry. We are prophets for the whole world, to all of God’s children—not just the members of the Church.”


I can’t recall a president of the Church in my lifetime, with the occasional exception of President Spencer W. Kimball, who was this open about being a prophet.  And notice, too, that President Nelson doesn’t claim the designation for himself alone:  “We are prophets for the whole world.”




A bit of the global ministry in action:


“Sister Joy Jones and Sister Bonnie Cordon Get to Know the People of the Pacific: One child, one youth, one family at a time”




I have never, ever, been an Elvis fan — not even remotely — and, accordingly, I have been somewhat baffled all my life by people who are.  I figure, however, that there may be a few of them who look occasionally at this blog, so I offer the following for their interest and edification:


“Church News: Elvis Presley’s copy of the Book of Mormon ain’t nothin’ but a forgery, Church history experts say”


Personally, given my immunity to Elvis’s appeal, I couldn’t possibly care less.


To soften the harshness of that statement, though, I’ll offer an authentic Elvis story with a Church connection:


My brother served for several years as the bishop of a ward in San Marino, California.  One of his ward members had been a bodyguard for Elvis, and this story comes from that bodyguard as it was told to my brother.


After a show one night in Las Vegas, Elvis expressed a desire to go down to southern California.  Apparently he didn’t have a private plane at the time, or it was unavailable, and apparently his desire to go to California was too late and too spur-of-the-moment for him to catch a commercial flight.


So he asked if the bodyguard would drive down with him in the famous pink Cadillac.  The bodyguard was happy to do so, because his wife and family and his home were in the San Marino or Pasadena area and, consequently, this would give him a chance to see them.


They drove through the night, arriving at their approximate destination early in the morning.


The Latter-day Saint bodyguard asked if Elvis would allow him to drop by his kids’ early morning seminary class as a surprise.  Elvis said yes, but only on condition that he could come in, too.


So Elvis dropped by an early morning seminary class in the Pasadena area, astonishing the kids.  I wonder if any of their fellow high school students believed them.




An important item from the wider world of religion:


Poll: Majority Of Evangelicals Would Support Satan If He Ran As Republican Candidate



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