“The Ancient Making of a Modern Scripture”

“The Ancient Making of a Modern Scripture” November 22, 2019


Temple in Newport Beach CA
The Newport Beach California Temple at sunset. The Temple is approximately ten minutes away from where I’m currently sitting.  (LDS Media Library public domain photograph)


We’re just back from my traditional stop at the Shake Shack overlooking Crystal Cove, just off the Pacific Coast Highway.  I’ve been stopping off at this little landmark since I was a child, when we would travel between our home in the San Gabriel Valley and the homes of a paternal aunt and a paternal uncle in San Diego and Chula Vista.  We always stopped and ordered date shakes, and that’s what I order now.  The various burgers and so on are fine.  But the date shakes . . .   Tradition!




The productivity of the Interpreter Foundation is beginning to resemble a geyser.  Or so it seems to me.  I’ve already posted today regarding three articles that appeared just a few hours ago:


“Revisiting two recent reviews of a volume in the Joseph Smith Papers series”


But there is still more, including two new book chapters, a radio program, a scripture roundtable, and two brief videos:


“Labor Diligently to Write: The Ancient Making of a Modern Scripture” (Chapters 4 & 5)

[Editor’s Note: We are pleased to present the second installment from a book entitled Labor Diligently to Write: The Ancient Making of a Modern Scripture. It is being presented in serialized form as an aid to help readers prepare for the 2020 Come Follow Me course of study. This is a new approach for Interpreter, and we hope you find it helpful.]


Interpreter Radio Show — November 17, 2019

The participants on the Interpreter Radio Show for 17 November 2019 were Bruce Webster, Kris Frederickson, and Mike Parker and their discussion for the first hour included affinity fraud in Utah and the new Missionary Handbook.  Also included — in the second hour — was a roundtable on the upcoming Come, Follow Me lesson #47 on Revelation 1-11.  Their conversation is now accessible, shorn of commercial and other interruptions, at no charge and at your convenience on the website of the Interpreter Foundation.


Perhaps, though, you’re only interested (for now) in the second hour of their conversation.  It has been extracted for you, and all commercial and other breaks have been removed.  You may listen to it at the following link:


Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me New Testament Lesson 48 “Glory, and Power, Be unto … the Lamb for Ever” (Revelation 1–11)




Also still fairly new on the website of the Interpreter Foundation:


“Christ as the Mediator of the New Testament (Hebrews 9)”

A Video Supplement for Come, Follow Me Lesson 44: “An High Priest of Good Things to Come,” from Dr. Hales Swift


“Faith without Works in James 2”

A Video Supplement for Come, Follow Me Lesson 45:“Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only,” by Dr. Hales Swift


Posted from Newport Beach, California



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