“Science has taken on the role of mankind’s deliverer.”

“Science has taken on the role of mankind’s deliverer.” June 28, 2020


Racked-up pool balls
If we have no more freedom than a billiard ball, there seems no point in trying to “persuade” anybody (or in much of anything else, for that matter).
Wikimedia Commons public domain image by Mark Buckawicki


“Humans think they are free, conscious beings, when in truth they are deluded animals. At the same time they never cease trying to escape from what they imagine themselves to be. Their religions are attempts to be rid of a freedom they have never possessed. In the twentieth century, the utopias of Right and Left served the same function. Today, when politics is unconvincing even as entertainment, science has taken on the role of mankind’s deliverer.”   (John Nicholas Gray, British political philosopher)


Gray believes human volition and morality to be illusions.


However, in that light, one wonders why — beyond the fact, of course, that he had no choice not to do so — Dr. Gray bothered to write a book seeking to convince us that we have no free will and that moral values are illusory.


What would it mean, if we’re in the iron grip of necessity, for him to “persuade” us?  Is he himself convinced of views that he cannot escape holding?  Does he think it would be “good” if we were persuaded, too? Why?  How?


And from what would science “deliver” us?  Is he serious?  How can science, a human creation, “deliver” us from an amoral world?  And in what would that “deliverance” consist?  Can science make us free?  Can it create good and evil?  I doubt that Gray intends this, but I suppose that science can deliver us from nihilism, amorality, and determinism . . . by vaporizing us.


When Gray writes of humans as “they,” is he unconsciously seeking to exempt himself?  Does he believe that his own consciousness is an illusion?  Does it make any sense to believe that one’s own consciousness is illusory?  How would one entertain such a delusion without being conscious?


So many questions!



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