The New York Encounter

The New York Encounter November 10, 2014

In the “quest to redefine our identity, in the struggle between our boundless aspirations and the limits of our condition . . . boundaries imposed by reality or tradition are frequently viewed as impediments and the very idea of freedom is pushed to a new level, from ‘doing’ to ‘being’ what we want. Yet, at the same time, we often experience a profound nostalgia to somehow recover our authentic self and to belong.”

This is part of the description for Identity: In Search of the Human Face, the 2105 New York Encounter sponsored by Communion & Liberation. Running from the evening of Friday, January 16th through Sunday evening, it features talks and panel discussions on the subject, from an international range of speakers, as well as concerts and exhibits. This year’s speakers best known to Americans include Cardinals Dolan and O’Malley, the Notre Dame sociologist Christian Smith, Jean Vanier, Timothy Shriver, the chairman of the Special Olympics, and Richard Potts, Director of the Human Origins Program at the Smithsonian.

The exhibits include the Millenial generation’s search for identity the lives of Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton and Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini, the painting of Jean François MiIlet, and the current understanding of biological evolution.

I’ve been to three of them and very enjoyed each one. I plan to be at this one too. Very much commended.

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