A word to sparrow number five: “Yes, you matter”

A word to sparrow number five: “Yes, you matter” May 26, 2010

Like many of you, I have spent some portions of my life feeling…left out. I don’t care how successful you are, there are times when you think life is passing you by and no one cares.

Now, don’t mistake the following as a “pity piece.” It isn’t. But it is a slice of reality – and of hope — to those who might just need to find a sliver of hope in my story.

I wasn’t an athlete, and for any boy getting selected for teams for pick-up basketball, it was excruciating.

”Please, don’t let me be last.”
A plain Norwegian, I didn’t exactly catch the girl’s eyes. There was always someone taller, darker, and better looking. Guys have image issues too.

I was an average student. I had to work for my grades, and they were never near the top of the class.
“Please, don’t call on me.”
Entering the work force, the fast track always passed me by. I wasn’t politically savvy or in tune with my employer enough to get the promotions or pay raises.
“I did good, right?”
And I’ve been turned aside by both family and friends, sometimes for reasons that are a mystery.
My story is no different than yours.  But there’s another twist to this life – I have been chosen by Someone who really matters. I’m important to God.

Jesus taught
“Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?

and then again,

“Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings? And not one of them is forgotten before God… Fear not, therefore. Ye are of more value than many sparrows.”

Jesus told his disciples that for a few pennies, you could buy a couple of sparrows. For a few more pennies, you could double your purchase and the fifth one would be thrown in for free.

That’s me. That’s you. We’re the fifth sparrow, the one that really has little earthly value. We are the ones that are lost and forsaken, forgotten and ignored.

And it’s okay because not one of them is forgotten before God.”

When people walk out of your life, seeking their own pleasure, God remembers the abandoned. When lifetime friends turn their backs on their pledges, God’s promise to you remains. When life passes you by, He sees you.
“You are of more value than many sparrows.”
I matter. And so do you.

Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
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