On the hinge of time — Do we really need to rewrite history?

On the hinge of time — Do we really need to rewrite history? May 24, 2010

The current trend to white-out God from society has reached a new level of absurdity.

It has to do with “A.D.” Every New Year, we christen the date with “Anno Domini” in Latin or “the year of the Lord” in English. Secularists want to replace A.D. with CE, which stands for stands for “Common Era.” CE and AD have the same and value. 2010 CE = 2010 A.D. The word “common” simply means that it is based on the most frequently used calendar system: the Gregorian Calendar.

“B.C.” as we know it is simply, “Before Christ.” There’s a movement to change that, too. Are we really so thin-skinned as a culture that we are offended by a number?  Really?

The modern era of measuring years traces back to the singular event of the birth of Jesus. No other event changed the course of human events like this one. It was a hinge for all of humanity. It was a moment when all the travesty of humankind could change with the first gulp of air by a newborn infant. This baby would one day bear the burden of the wrongs of the world on himself. That’s  a world-changer.

And even if you don’t believe in the incarnation, dismiss the claims to deity and ignore the resurrection, you still have to contend with the fact that Christ’s birth changed history itself. What kind of world would we have today if the Romans had continued running roughshod over the globe. But this rebellion of conversion literally crushed the oppressors through grace.

And ever since, the world culture hasn’t been the same. Christianity brought the concept of equality to a world steeped in slavery, misogyny, and racism. It brought the idea of peace instead of retaliation. Christianity literally birthed modern education, politics and medicine. The idea of a perfect God who created an orderly world full of wonder spurred many men and women in discovery and science, technology and the arts.

Changing all of history for the sake of scrubbing out a Jesus you are too afraid to be confronted is the most selfish – and foolish of all endeavors.

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