Dear Graduate: Ignore the Voices

Dear Graduate: Ignore the Voices June 24, 2024

A few years ago, I published Amy Young’s thoughts from the Messy Middle. At the time, she was writing from Beijing, China, where she was a teacher. She’s stateside now, but I’ve always appreciated her voice and insightful writing.

I was very impressed with her address to her school’s graduating seniors. She gave great wisdom when she warned them about “The voices” they will hear for the rest of their lives.

Reading her words, I realize I hear the same voices – and you’ll hear them, too. You’re too old or too young. That you’re not good-looking enough or smart enough.  I wish someone would have told me about these voices when I was young, so kudos to Amy for her encouragement. Here’s a snippet of her address, a reprint from 2013.


Photo by Mulyadi on Unsplash


The heart of my message for you  as you embark on the rest of life your life is beware the voices that whisper to you …

The greatest call on your life is to be a college graduate or have an MA or a PhD

The greatest call on your life is to be a graduate from school XYZ

The greatest call on your life is to choose the right major

The greatest call on your life is to get the best job

The greatest call on your life is to find something fulfilling and useful to the kingdom and leave the smallest carbon footprint while documenting how cool you are on instagram

The greatest call on your life is to marry a God-honoring man

The greatest call on your life is to keep an amazing home and use it as a place to minister to weary souls

The greatest call on your life it to cure cancer or write music or teach school

The greatest call on your life is to return to China and use your childhood for His glory

 The greatest call on your life is motherhood

The greatest call on your life is to die debt free and surrounded by loved ones.

Thereareechoes of truth in each of these whispers …

As we, your loving community, launch you into adulthood and celebrate all you and your parents have accomplished as represented by this high school graduations we say to you –

          The greatest call on your life is to follow Christ.

Listen daily for the whisper that says “I am my beloveds and He is mine.”

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash
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