June 26, 2008

“I often dream that I am tagging along behind Jesus, longing for Him to choose me as one of his disciples. Then, without warning, he turns around, looks straight into my eyes and says “Follow me.” My heart races and I begin to run toward him, when he interrupts with “Oh, not you, the other guy. Sorry.'”— Mike Yaconelli Too many times in my life, I have shouldered a task, believing that I was the ‘savior.’ I picked up the... Read more

June 24, 2008

Who gets the blame? It is common for companies to incorporate “Force Majeure clauses” in their business contracts. Force Majeure is French for “greater force.” American companies refer to the events covered by these clauses as “Acts of God.” In order to limit liability in the face of catastrophic events, companies seek to lay blame on God as the cosmic culprit for their inability to meet their obligations. No doubt things like earthquakes, floods, tornadoes and hurricanes can have disastrous... Read more

June 22, 2008

Is there a fuzzy line that borders on truth, but isn’t quite right? Some portions of the public relations industry are especially adept at this verbal art form, the squishiness of words. Steven Colbert, with his tongue firmly planted in his cheek, calls this “truthiness.” Some PR specialists are professional spin doctors. They generate the creative distortion of facts to obfuscate and blur the lines separating truth from lies, fact from fiction. Their bread and butter is the ‘euphemism,’ substituting... Read more

June 20, 2008

What kind of ideas do you have to be light in the workplace? What do you do to make a difference? What do you wish you did? Leave a comment here: Please, share with a friend if you feel moved. Read all past issues at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/davidrupert Read more

June 17, 2008

“Just as I am I am needy and dry Jesus is for losers The self-made need not apply”— Steve Taylor “He that finds his life shall lose it: and he loses his life for my sake shall find it.”— Jesus In our world, the rich, the educated and the influential are elevated. The weak, the oppressed and the poor are marginalized. That’s the way of the world. Among the elevated class are the “enlightened” who have found creative ways to... Read more

June 11, 2008

My dad was a two job guy. When I was growing up, Gene worked a full time job as a highway patrolman and then another half time job doing construction. He was constantly moving. The thing is, he didn’t do it because he wanted to spend 60+ hours a week busting his tail. He did it as a sacrifice – for his wife and his kids. He did it for me. He did it so I could have a comfortable... Read more

June 10, 2008

My dad was a roofer. For more than 50 years, he climbed ladders, crawled over rooftops, and literally hung on the edge of danger. He eschewed air nail guns and most powered tools, choosing the patient, deliberate act of hammering shakes one at a time. Each one was accurately placed, as if the entire house depended on it. His was a simple approach. He rarely hired a crew, choosing instead the lonely road of a dedicated craftsman. Advertising? His calling... Read more

June 9, 2008

“Quite often we change jobs, friends and spouses instead of ourselves.”– Akbarali Jetha The typical American spends eight or more hours a day at work but that’s just the start of it. Add up the commute time, the time spent in personal preparation, and the time decompressing in the evening and you’ll find that work consumes a majority of your waking hours.It is no wonder that work can invade even our quietest moments. How many nights have you stretched out... Read more

June 8, 2008

“God grant the wisdom to know the difference.” There is no greater quest in life than wisdom. Rather than struggling over the decisions in life, I want just to be able to have that institutional gut reaction that is always righteous, always honorable and always proper. The best kind of wisdom is to know what to fix and what to let go. It’s that holy coin toss that always comes up correctly. When they gave Jesus a piece of money,... Read more

June 7, 2008

“God grant me the courage to change.”If you have the right disposition, you can deal with the things out of your control. You just back off and let it flow. But what about when things are within our control? We are all called at times to tough duty. To say something or stand up for what is right. Perhaps an apology needs to be spoken, a bridge mended or a wrong righted. In the back of your throat is the... Read more

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