Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice October 6, 2008

Humans are funny creatures. Despite our Politically Correct world, we generally avoid any sort of true diversity.

We gravitate toward people who look, act and think just like we do. While I don’t understand the anthropology of that – whether it’s just easier, or it’s more comfortable and less stressful – it is part of our nature.

Just look at how we live: stepford neighborhoods, school alumni associations, professional sports fans etc.
Even our computers are dialed into the web 2.0 social networks like Facebook. We are on a cyber mission to find others who “are just like us,” sharing our same interests and passions.

So what happens when we’re faced with a decision about someone else’s future – their eternal destiny? Does our faith combined with our human need for sameness quietly undermine our objectivity? Are we biased in some insidious way so that we fail to treat everyone with the same respect, dignity and care, caring for their souls? Do we look at our co-workers who have backgrounds and beliefs that are different from ours and forget the great commandment ?

I think of Jesus, who met the Samaratian woman at the well. She said, “We worship at a different mountain.” Yet still Jesus implored her to, “Drink.”

What do you think? How do you look at others? Click here to comment.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.

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