Responding to disaster

Responding to disaster January 14, 2010

What is the proper “Christian response” to disaster? As Red Letter Believers, those who strive to believe, follow and live the words of Christ, how should we react to tragedy in different countries.?

50 years ago it would have taken a few days for us to hear about such things. 100 years ago it would have taken weeks. And the churches response was naturally slow and laborious.

But today, we get the news instantly as the images are played on our televisions and computers. Does this mean that technology has raised the ante? Are we really expected to respond with our time, money and prayers?

Jesus said From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

And we are told that the generosity shown to the suffering will expand the gospel

Thanks to the Gospel Coalition, here are few places where you can give:

  1. Compassion International
  2. Feed My Starving Children
  3. Food for the Hungry
  4. World Vision
  5. World Relief
  6. Samaritan’s Purse
  7. Love a Child
  8. Northwest Haiti Christian Mission
  9. Compassion Weavers
  10. Mennonite Central Committee
  11. Water Missions International

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