There’s no such thing as “all of a sudden”

There’s no such thing as “all of a sudden” January 17, 2010
When personal tragedy hits, we often are shocked to the core.

Where did that come from?

When we are hit with a failed relationship or a big bill or the loss of a job, we go into a nerve-rattling state of unbelief.

Who could have seen that one coming?

But the truth of the matter is that there really is no such thing as “all of sudden.” When we objectively look back at our past, we can see the missteps, the disobedience and the bad choices that led to the current predicament.

There things in my life that need to be fixed – right now before they get to crisis. And I’ll bet you have similar issues. Gathering steam, these unresolved issues are pulling together and looking for escape. They could be under the surface. They could be right in front of your face.
Ignorance isn’t bliss. It might even be tragic.

These issues might include an unchecked sin. David’s sideways glance which turned into a lingering stare at the bathing Bathsheba led to adultery, deception and murder. He lost four of his sons and almost his kingdom over an unchecked passion.

It might an angry word that was left hanging, unconfessed and unresolved. Like an alien seed in a prize crop, it can sprout at the worst time.

It might be a relationship that needs to be patched up. A friend. A brother. A Coworker that you wronged or that wronged you. It doesn’t matter.

I have ignored things in the past and left them unresolved. They gnawed away in termite-like determination, felling my once strong oak tree person. And I crashed under the weight of my own neglect.

I’m learning my lesson.

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