Prayer in Time of Economic Trouble

Prayer in Time of Economic Trouble August 9, 2011

Father, times are hard.
They say many people will lose their jobs.
No one can tell how long this crisis shall last.
No assurance can be given
to all who grope in the dark.
But we believe, dear Father
that this too, shall pass,
and there is no trial we cannot be able to conquer
with faith in our spirits
and courage in our hearts.

Protect us dear God
first of all from despair.
Let not our minds be anxious
but let our spirits have peace
that surpasses all understanding.
May we never lose our hope.

May we never lose sight of our awaited morning
when milk and honey
shall flow into our land once again.
May we walk with steadfast feet.
May we work with steady hands.
And may we always believe
that miracles still happen,
for they do happen
even now as we pray.

— Bishop Chris Coyne.  Read the rest of the prayer.

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