Young inmates looking forward to Holy Thursday visit from Pope Francis

Young inmates looking forward to Holy Thursday visit from Pope Francis March 26, 2013

And, it turns out, most of them are Muslim.

From Zenit: 

On Holy Thursday, Pope Francis will celebrate Mass in the Casal de Marmo, a juvenile detention center on the outskirts of Rome.

ZENIT interviewed a chaplain at the prison, Father Gaetano Geco, who described interesting aspects of his work with minors.

Father Gaetano belongs to the Franciscan Family of Capuchin Terciaries of the Virgin of Sorrows, a spiritual family founded by Monsignor Luis Amigo of Valencia, Spain.

Although he is from San Giovanni Retondo, the area of Padre Pio, the chaplain chose the order because he fell in love with their apostolate: the re-education of young people. He studied in the seminary and did his novitiate in Albacete, Spain, and was ordained a priest in Rome. He worked in Cerdena for several years in a house of rehabilitation. Since 1981 he has been chaplain in the prison for minors of Casal de Marmo. It is a prison in the true sense of the word.

ZENIT: These inmates were already visited by Benedict XVI, no?

Father Gaetano: Benedict XVI celebrated Mass here in 2007; it was an extraordinary experience. The youths saw him up close. Benedict was moved; you could see it in his eyes as he shook their hands. It was a spring day full of light and we prepared for the visit for a whole month.

ZENIT: And now Francis …

Father Gaetano: Now Pope Francis is coming to meet us; this is exciting everyone. The young people are awaiting the Pope. He is going to celebrate Mass as he did in Buenos Aires in a place of suffering, of the poor. If we were able to go to the essence of the Gospel with less formalities it would be wonderful. I have spent much time in the prison reading the Gospel with youths and a whole new world opens up from there.

ZENIT: Are you preparing anything?

Father Gaetano: There is no need to prepare anything for Pope Francis because he wants to kneel on the floor. What people remember are the simple things. One can make a wonderful speech, but simple people want to see gestures, such as going to pay for the hotel, that has made an impression, or when a Pope gets out of the car to greet the people without fear of being shot.

ZENIT: What is the situation of these youths?

Father Gaetano: There is much rebellion and violence but also a desire to be redeemed, especially a youth who has committed a serious offense. The most common offenses are against the patrimony and the use of toxic substances.

ZENIT: How many are there in Casal de Marmo? And when they learned that the Pope was coming what did they say?

Father Gaetano: There are 48 in total divided in a group of nine women and two groups of men. The majority of young people in the juvenile prison are of the Muslim religion. The other group — the minority of Italians as well as the Orthodox — when they learned that the Pope was coming to Casal de Marmo on Maundy Thursday all realized that it was important. A Neopolitan youth said to me: “Finally I will be able to shake the hand of someone important.”

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