June 16, 2011

They were ordained last weekend, as I reported in an earlier post. From Archbishop Dolan’s homily: “You realize, I trust, dear 12, that this ordination is not some kind of merit badge, this is not a graduation ceremony. It’s not a reward for years of preparation, this is not just another line on your curriculum vitae,” Archbishop Dolan told them moments after accepting the recommendation of Father Andrew King, dean of students at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, speaking on behalf... Read more

June 16, 2011

Watch this great commercial and try, just try, not to dissolve into a puddle of tears.  It’s GREAT!  H/T The A. Read more

June 16, 2011

More news from the USCCB confab in Washington state: As many as 100 U.S. Anglican priests and 2,000 laypeople could be the first members of a U.S. personal ordinariate for former Anglicans who want to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church, Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl of Washington reported to his fellow bishops June 15. Cardinal Wuerl was appointed by the Vatican last September to guide the incorporation of Anglican groups into the Catholic Church in the United States... Read more

June 16, 2011

The ordination took place on May 21 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. It marked a milestone: the first class of permanent deacons ordained for the diocese since 1983. From Bishop Rhoades’ homily: To proclaim the Gospel worthily in the Church’s liturgy, you must first hear that Word in your own heart and bear witness to it in your daily lives, in word and in deed. To preach to God’s people is not only an honor, it is a real... Read more

June 16, 2011

They were ordained last weekend, as I reported in an earlier post. From Archbishop Dolan’s homily: “You realize, I trust, dear 12, that this ordination is not some kind of merit badge, this is not a graduation ceremony. It’s not a reward for years of preparation, this is not just another line on your curriculum vitae,” Archbishop Dolan told them moments after accepting the recommendation of Father Andrew King, dean of students at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, speaking on behalf... Read more

June 15, 2011

A reader posted this in the comments thread of an old post about Fr. John Corapi, and similar statements are hurtling around the Catholic blogosphere tonight.  It evidently comes from a statement distributed to those on Fr. Corapi’s e-mail list: We understand many of you would like an update–any update–on the status of Fr. John Corapi. Please be assured that as soon as Fr. Corapi updates us with the status of these events, we will utilize all avenues of communications... Read more

June 15, 2011

Really? Yeah.  You can’t make this stuff up: A benefit for the homeless at the Downtown St. Louis Hooters restaurant drew fire and was ultimately shot down Tuesday.  The St. Patrick’s Center’s  “Dine or Donate” event was set for Thursday night. St. Patrick’s Center cancelled the event after receiving what a spokeswoman said were a “few dozen” complaints. St.  Patrick’s Center is a Catholic charity that helps provide food, clothing, shelter, and job training for close to 9,000 people in... Read more

June 15, 2011

Interesting development from the USCCB confab in Seattle: Following a lively debate on the first day of their spring general assembly near Seattle, the U.S. bishops voted overwhelmingly to authorize preparation of a 50-page document on preaching for consideration in November 2012. St. Louis Archbishop Robert J. Carlson presented the proposal on behalf of the Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations, which he chairs, but said the document would be drawn up in consultation with various committees of the... Read more

June 15, 2011

This is the sort of story that rarely gets told. I  posted on this priest’s case over at Beliefnet some months back.  But now columnist Brian McGrory tells more in today’s Boston Globe: The first time the Rev. Charles Murphy was cleared of accusations that he improperly touched a minor, a girl 25 years earlier, everyone who ever met him said they had never doubted his innocence. It was 2006 and priests were all over the news for every awful... Read more

June 15, 2011

I have to give this Aussie anchor props for having the honesty and nerve to reveal to his audience that he is, in fact, a doofus. Read more

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