March 3, 2011

From deep in the heart of Texas, a mission church becomes a family’s home… Details: Arlene and Bob Kampmann have discussed downsizing. Those 4,000 square feet are a lot for two people. But then they wonder, who would honor the history of their house the way they have? The Kampmanns, members of St. Philip Parish here, reside in the century-old former St. Philip mission church. The building went out of use in 1987 when the current church went up. “Someone... Read more

March 3, 2011

The joyful Fr. Dwight Longenecker takes a look at doing battle with evil in a way you might not expect: Each one of us is called to engage in the spiritual battle, and we will succeed best when we take the battle seriously, not ourselves. During Lent, that battle intensifies. As Christ went into the desert to take the battle to the devil himself, so we should engage with the forces of darkness with a new intention, clear-mindedness, good humor,... Read more

March 3, 2011

This marks the feast of an American original: St. Katharine Drexel, a woman of our own time (she died on this date in 1955) who was an heiress — and nun. “If we wish to serve God and love our neighbor well, we must manifest our joy in the service we render to Him and them. Let us open wide our hearts. It is Joy which invites us. Press forward and fear nothing.” — St. Katharine Drexel Read more

March 2, 2011

Good question. We have a tendency, I think, to forget — and to worry, instead, about our own personal concerns: the kid who is failing chemistry, the bills that are past due, the anxieties that keep all of us up at night, staring at the ceiling, whispering to God, “Help me.” But blogger Kathy Schiffer offers a timely reminder: Well, some of you may know that my mother died recently; and over a period of days, I talked with many... Read more

March 2, 2011

Clear-thinking pro-lifers know that’s not the answer. The Anchoress has details: Prosecutors in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania announced today they will seek the death penalty for abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell, who faces charged related to killing a woman in a botched abortion and killing babies infanticides.” [. . .] prosecutors notified his attorney, Jack McMahon, that they will seek death by lethal injection if a jury finds Gosnell guilty of first-degree murder in the counts he faces. Gosnell faces a third-degree murder... Read more

March 2, 2011

In his new book, the German-born pontiff exonerates the Jewish people for the death of Jesus — and Jewish leaders consider it something of a milestone: In “Jesus of Nazareth” excerpts released Wednesday, Benedict uses a biblical and theological analysis to explain why it is not true that the Jewish people as a whole were responsible for Jesus’ death. Interpretations to the contrary have been used for centuries to justify the persecution of Jews. While the Vatican has for five... Read more

March 2, 2011

What happens when the cable box goes? I talk about that in this week’s “All Things New”: Well, for one thing, I actually began to read, deeply. I found myself dawdling over the Liturgy of the Hours, dipping into the Office of Readings. I put the Kindle I got for Christmas to good use, downloading Henri Nouwen and Timothy Keller and re-reading favorite parts of Thomas Merton. I spent some time tidying up my bookshelves and throwing out old magazines... Read more

March 2, 2011

In his new book, the German-born pontiff exonerates the Jewish people for the death of Jesus — and Jewish leaders consider it something of a milestone: In “Jesus of Nazareth” excerpts released Wednesday, Benedict uses a biblical and theological analysis to explain why it is not true that the Jewish people as a whole were responsible for Jesus’ death. Interpretations to the contrary have been used for centuries to justify the persecution of Jews. While the Vatican has for five... Read more

March 2, 2011

Someone posted this inspired piece below on his Facebook page… One priest got tired of listening to exuses why people skip the Church, and has written this: 18 reasons why I do not wash myself: 1. Because they made me wash myself when I was a kid. 2. Because they didn’t teach me to wash myself when I was a kid. 3. Those who wash themselves are hypocrites – they think they are cleaner than others. 4. Can not decide... Read more

March 1, 2011

How about greater involvement from lay people in the Church? The editors at America explain: No one should anticipate changes in the existing discipline on celibacy or in the teaching on women’s ordination, but there are other ways to reform church structures to allow women and married men to participate in church governance. One proposal is simply to change canon law to admit laypeople to the College of Cardinals. The church could thereby continue its all-male priesthood, yet transform the... Read more

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