What if You Already Have What You’re Looking For?

What if You Already Have What You’re Looking For? January 9, 2017

Several years ago, I went on a writing retreat and stayed in a rustic guest cottage with a porch. As I was lazing on the chaise lounge, looking out over the woods, I dreamed what it would be like to have such a restful spot at home.

Photo courtesy of pixabay.com
Photo courtesy of pixabay.com

Then I heard an inner voice: “What do you think your sleeping porch is?”

Oh, yeah. I had a porch at home. I just didn’t take advantage of it. Apparently it was more fun to dream of what it would be like to have a lovely sitting area than it was to enjoy the one I lived with every day.

Then there was the time I wanted a Pampered Chef nut chopper. I’d seen it at a home party and coveted it for months, but I considered it too expensive to order.

One day I was cleaning out my kitchen cupboards—the deep cupboards where old rusted pans went to die—and in the very back corner was a Pampered Chef nut chopper.

I have no explanation. All I know is that I’d coveted something I’d had all along.

I bring this up because it’s the beginning of a new year, the time when we traditionally set goals for what we want. Sometimes these goals seem out of reach—until we realize we already possess what we’re looking for.

For instance, here are a few things I can guarantee you already have.

Peace of mind. Put on soothing music, close your eyes and drift.

Beauty. Look at a tree. Any tree. Or the sky. Or a bird. Or in the mirror.

Creativity. If you’re breathing, you can put a checkmark next to this one. You are automatically creating your life moment to moment, even if you never pick up a paintbrush or a pen.

A perfect partner. That would be you.

A big bank account. If you’re living on $7,303.65 or more annually, you’re considered upper-middle income by the world’s standards. If you’re living on $18,250 or more each year, you’re among the wealthiest people on the planet. *

So, instead of asking, “What do I want in the New Year?” maybe we could ask, “What do I already have in the New Year?”

That way, you don’t have to get permission or save your money or wait until the stars align. You can have it now. In fact, you do have it now.

That’s reason enough for a Happy New Year!

* Pew Research Center, http://www.pewglobal.org/interactives/global-population-by-income/


Debra Engle is the author of The Only Little Prayer You Need and Let Your Spirit Guides Speak. You can find her on Facebook and at debraengle.com.

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