November 14, 2014

Are you ready for a new taste sensation? Put this up with Ginger Beer for sheer awesomeness~ Read more

November 12, 2014

Big changes at the Homestead ~ Jenya writes on a new adventure! Read more

November 7, 2014

@patheospagan @dirtheartwitch The Urban Pagan Homestead, Jenya writes on getting back from the Bad World to the Good. Also chicken stock. Read more

November 5, 2014

Lost 3 chickens in the past 4 days.  All seem to have similar symptoms to the chick that died a few weeks ago. It is very time-consuming to deal with animal illnesses.  I spent yesterday cleaning out the old coop and putting down fresh straw.  Cleaned all the feed dishes and disinfected. Moved half the chickens into that space.  Cleaned out the other coop and again disinfected what could be done.  Put down fresh bedding.  Kept 2 birds in the... Read more

October 31, 2014

"All is connected. Things die that other things may live. What in you is dying today? What is living?" @patheospagan, Jenya offers 13 Thoughts to Ponder on Samhain Read more

October 23, 2014

Luckily, I got a piece of the Sun from God ~ @jenyatbeachy @dirtheartwitch on @patheospagan shares a poem on the changing seasons Read more

October 21, 2014

My body hurt like hell. Back pain, neck pain, joints creaking (and that is LOUD in a silent room!) I felt waves of anger pouring out of me during the Metta practice, which is supposed to be all about Lovingkindness. I felt like punching someone in the face. ~ @jenyatbeachy @dirtheartwitch @patheospagan Jenya writes on the Silent Retreat Read more

October 17, 2014

Recently, I was at Costco and I found a monstrous size bottle of Greenshield Organic Soap Berries. I'd heard of these little nuggets before, but never tried them, so I picked up a barrel (or so) ... Jenya's laundry day experiments Read more

October 15, 2014

At the Urban Pagan Homestead at Patheos Pagan, Jenya writes on Chicken Foot Soup: ..."really good for this time of year for a few reasons: it's crazy delicious, super good for you, and chicken feet look very zombie-like when they're cooked. Happy Samhain!" Read more

October 10, 2014

One Small Casualty on the Homestead~ Read more

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