13 Thoughts to Ponder ~ on Samhain

13 Thoughts to Ponder ~ on Samhain October 31, 2014

“13 Thoughts to Ponder” will be an irregular feature designed to provide some stimulating ideas and questions to spark conversation. Meditate on what comes up for you, do some free-writing, or make it a conversation with your family, coven or working group. Do as you Will!

1. At this time of year, many folks celebrate Samhain, Summer’s End. How do you signify the change? shutterstock_6428512

2. The veils are thin now between the realms. Do you speak to your dead?

3. All the stories that came before helped to shape your story. Do you speak of your dead?

4. Death and Life have been Lovers from time immemorial. Have you ever seen them kiss?

5. The time between Samhain and Yule is the long outbreath. What do you put on pause now?

6. Our bodies are finite but our souls range far. What reminds you that you are spirit wearing skin?*

7. It is said that we return again and again to this world. Can you remember other lives?

8. Falling and rising, the circle ever spins. What deaths have you been privileged to witness?

9. Everything comes to the end of its useful life. How do you know when to let go?

10. Some crave companionship in their remembrances; others, solitude. Who will you allow to see you cry?

11. From first step to last, the journey may be long. How do you entertain yourself along the way?

12. We can find solace in prayer. What words come to your lips in times of grief?

13. All is connected.  Things die that other things may live. What in you is dying today? What is living?

samhain altar

*I’ve seen this chant attributed to Abbi Spinner McBride and/or Magnus McBride, but I don’t see it on any of their albums.  Shame, that!  If you get a chance, ask one o’ them Fire Circle peeps to sing it for you…it’s lovely!

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