This just in—read all about it: Notorious con-man, person of questionable character, honesty, ethics, and integrity, a person with zero loyalty to others has conned another large group of gullible people willing to get into bed with him politically.
Shocking, right? Who knew? How could anyone have seen this coming? It’s out of the blue; it’s just a blind side hit, right? There were no warning signs, right? There was just no way to think this might happen, right?
Wrong. It was as predictable as noting the sun will rise tomorrow in the east. White male evangelicals, and the pro-life movement in general, put their trust in a person about as trustworthy as a 19th Century snake-oil salesman.
Many by now are probably aware of these stories. See here, here, and here. Trump, putting his finger to the wind, has decided to now distance himself from and outright oppose what many, if not most, in the pro-life movement want to see happen. Here is what he is now asserting or has done:
-He will veto any federal-level abortion ban
-He will support an IVF mandate for private insurers
-He will refuse to ban the sale of drugs that can induce a medical abortion at home
-He has flip-flopped on the Florida abortion amendment (to make abortion legal in Florida) in his home state
Do I personally believe he will do these things? No. I don’t trust him. And neither should you, no matter what your views on abortion.
And perhaps the pro-life people don’t really care at this point. After all, in Trump’s first term they did receive the crown jewel they’ve wanted all along. They received the Supreme Court Justices they needed to over-turn Roe, thus, mission accomplished. Maybe that makes walking in on Trump attempting to grope (grab), and assuage the pro-choice people a small thing.
Oh the irony though. If Harris wins the presidency and has enough support in Congress, she will sign into law a bill making access to abortion legal and the law of the land in all 50 states.
Imagine, all that hard work, all that effort, and all the while having to kiss the ring of an ethically challenged con-man and pathological liar. And then, only to see it all melt away, partially due to a calculated political marriage made in hell. Yes pro-lifers, he cheated on you too. Join the club.
I will close out by quoting two pro-life Christians:
First, Marvin Olasky:
“The political reality is of two kinds. The obvious problem is that the identification of pro-life belief with former president Donald Trump and the Republican Party remade in his image has been a public opinion disaster. Some can write off polls as irrelevant when lives are at stake, but Abraham Lincoln wisely said, ‘With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it, nothing can succeed. Consequently, he who molds public sentiment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes or pronounces decisions.’”
Second, Jake Meador:
“When you announce that one can be pro-life and support a philandering womanizer and twice divorced serial adulterer who has been credibly accused of rape, you discredit the cause and tell people you aren’t really serious.
When you announce that one can be pro-life and support a man who was closely associated with Jeffrey Epstein and even joked about Epstein’s alleged pedophiliac assaults of children
, you discredit the cause and tell people you aren’t really serious.
When you announce that one can be pro-life and support a man who refused to straightforwardly answer when asked if he has ever paid for an abortion, you discredit the cause and tell people you aren’t really serious.”
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