September 11, 2018

We can tie ourselves in knots trying to figure out the will of God.  But I think that sometimes the question of the will of God is too open-ended.  I think we really have to begin with the question: what do you want? Read more

September 9, 2018

The problem runs deep for those of us who profess to follow Christ. Does the gospel transform lives? Is the Holy Spirit at work within us? Read more

August 27, 2018

I keep discovering anew the originality of Jesus’ life, the daring freshness of the gospels. Read more

August 13, 2018

In impossible situations, we’re called to be immovable in our confidence that God is at work around and within us. Read more

August 8, 2018

While congregations can develop strategies for outreach, what we need to do is have more children. One of the most effective environments for discipleship is the home. Read more

July 30, 2018

Augustine wrote that the faithful are called to believe the truth of the gospel “so that by believing they may obey God, by obeying may live well, by living well may purify their hearts, and with pure hearts may understand what they believe.” Read more

July 23, 2018

The most compelling homes are rarely focused wholly inward.  They’ve got a mission, an outward orientation that pours forth into the life of the neighborhood. Read more

July 16, 2018

A recent study found that while 40% of rural residents claim to know their neighbors, they are far less likely to have interacted with them. Read more

June 26, 2018

In the end, faith is what remains, that relationship between us and God.  When the career is over, the children are raised, education is threadbare and our minds have become tatty, it will be us and God. Read more

June 19, 2018

God calls us by name and invites us to call him by name, to love and cherish and reverence his name so that we can grow in depth of communion with him. Read more

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